Here are the answers to some questions you may have. There are also some questions that you may want to ask other therapists if you are planning to contact a few before you decide who you feel most comfortable with.

How can you claim the session is personalised?
I'm happy to have an initial phone conversation to determine whether or not I believe I can help you. If we decide to proceed, the first session usually takes the form of a consultational history profile lasting about 2 hours, during this time I will talk with you and ask questions to gain a better understanding of how you function in the world, what you feel, how you see things, what you think etc in order to design a treatment program that meets your particular needs. I will also produce a wordweaving recording for you to use between our sessions.

How long is a session and how many will I need?
After the initial meeting, sessions typically last between 1 and 1.5 hours. Most people require between 3 and 6 sessions, although some (depending on the issue/problem) may need more. Therapy ends when YOU begin to feel that you can move forward with confidence and are happy for our sessions to cease.

What happens in a session?
During each session there will be a discussion of how you are now feeling and I then use a variety of techniques including NLP and hypnosis ending each session with wordweaving to help consolidate the hypnotic suggestion.

I will also give you a number of simple tasks to undertake by yourself that will help you grow into the “you” that you wish to be. As most of the therapy actually takes place between sessions, my role is only to act as your guide, you are the master (or mistress) of your own life but I can help you to be the best you can be.

Will I be in control?
It is important to point out that in hypnosis you can never be made to do or say anything that you do not want to. We may have an idea, based on stage hypnosis or scare stories in the news, that we might be out of control and do and say things that we don't want to. Thankfully this is not so.Trance is a very natural state that we go in and out of every day many times, without even noticing. How many times have you driven the same route home, only not remembering the journey once you get there, or found yourself driving towards another familiar destination that you weren’t intending to go to? These are examples of a natural trance state that concentrates inwards and has increased focus. Most people find it a very pleasant experience. To get to the point, you will be totally in control at all times and may even be aware of, and remember everything that is said. It is the unconscious mind that is responsible for about 90% of our actions so tapping into it can be very beneficial in helping to alter 'fixed' behaviour patterns.

What did your training involve?
I trained at the Quest Institute which provides probably the most thorough training available, covering the science behind the techniques and approach that we use, a great deal of practical hands on experience. Following the Diploma course, I trained as an NLP Master Practitioner, also at the Quest Institute, incorporating training as a 'Project You' coach. I am also an EFT Practitioner.

Are you a member of a Professional Body?
Yes, I am a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), a non-profit organisation dedicated to keeping the standards of the profession at the absolute highest level. All practising NCH members must be fully insured and adhere to the strict code of ethics.

How do you keep up to date and fresh?
As a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy, I am obliged to carry out a certain amount of 'Continued Professional Development' activities every year, this is no hardship as I love learning, and end up doing far more of this than I am required to and have also given my time to assist on other training courses as a mentor.

Members of the NCH are also obliged to have supervision by a qualified supervisor on a regular basis or the first two years of practice. All discussions with a supervisor are in the strictest confidence and individual clients remain completely anonymous.

What should I look for in a therapist?
It is quite possible that you are reading this because you are looking for a therapist who can help you. It is a good thing to look around and spend a bit of time finding someone that you are completely comfortable with. If you are doing this I would urge you to find out what training and experience the therapist has. Please ensure that they are members of the NCH and that they are fully insured. I think it is also important that they tailor the session for you in some way as we always do in Quest. Above all, you need to feel completely comfortable.

Any more questions?
Of course, if you have any other questions at all, please feel free to contact me at any time.